Thursday, November 28, 2019

The definition of the word Hajj Essay Example

The definition of the word Hajj Essay The definition of the word Hajj is to set out with definite purpose meaning the definite purpose to be fulfilling the pilgrimage to Mecca. Hajj takes place each year in the 12th month of the Islamic lunar calendar on the 8th 13th days of Dhul-Hijjah. Each year over millions people gather in the holy city of Makkah for Hajj each year and it is a duty that must be performed by every Muslim at sometime at least once in his/her life. Its the 5th pillar of Islam and like all the other pillars it must be performed with the right intention or NiyyahHajj is a pilgrimage that Muslims make to Mecca, which is in Saudi Arabia. It is a spiritual journey to follow their faith and can help to discover and develop themselves, and to seek spiritual enlightenment. Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. It is done once in every Muslims life, As the Quran says. There are some exceptions such as illness and problems with money. Muslims go on Hajj to cleanse and purify themselves. Another reason is t hat Muslims see hajj as an opportunity to show their devotion to Allah.b) Describe why a Muslim might take part in Hajj and what this involves?All Muslims must travel to Mekkah, at least once in their lifetime, to perform Hajj. It is a vital must of their religion as it shows their love and how faithful they are to Allah.Before the journey a lot of preparing must be made; Families make sure they have enough money to spend, buy their tickets and arrange suitable accommodation. Once this has all been arranged then the families who are leaving dependants behind must arrange a capable guardian. This is not usually a problem due to the unity of Muslim communities.The final thing they must do before the journey is preparing, not just for the journey but also mentally. It is important that they are very knowledgeable about Hajj so they are in a fit state to meet Allah.Muslims might go on Hajj to be forgiven or to cleanse and purify themselves not just physically but mentally When pilgrims arrive in Makkah they have to wear a set of clothing called Ihram. They wear a long white draped dress. Men wear two pieces of clothing, this is also used to burry them when they die. One piece is wrapped around the hip and the other is wrapped over the right shoulder, showing the right shoulder and this is called Ihram.A woman wears a long white dress. Women are allowed to uncover their faces on hajj because men wont look at them with lust. The picture below shows how the women would dress. The Ihram is usually put on at a specific entry places into the vicinity of Makkah.When pilgrims go to the Kaba they chant and pray a prayer called TalbiyahThe Kaba lies in the middle of a sacred mosque. Muslims walk and circle the Kaba in an anti-clockwise direction seven times; while chanting prayers. Circling the Kaba seven times is known as Tawaf. Muslims perform tawaf as a group because it shows respect to Allah that youre all working as a group. While at the Kaba they see Al-kiswah. The Al -kiswah is a black cloth hung over the Kaba all year round it is inscribed with gold writing which are verses from the Quran.After all the chanting and rituals Muslims move on to two hills of Al-Safa Al-Marwa.Now Muslims are off to perform saiy, Muslims have to walk or run from one tip to another tip of the hill they perform this seven times back and forth between the rocky hillocks of Safa and Marwah. This is why a Muslim must be physically fit. When Muslims have finished saiy they are off to Arafat, the mount of mercy. Arafat is in the desert approximately nine miles east of Makkah. On the day of Arafat is the most important day of Hajj, where the whole day is spent saying prayers and rituals. Some would have started chanting prayers while performing Tawaf, but some like to wait until Arafat because it is said that there is no day when Allah is more likely to listen to prayers than the day of Arafat. After Arafat is finished Muslims proceed to Muzdalifah which lies between Mina a nd Arafat.Pilgrims spends the night of the 10th Zul hijjah here, the Zul hijjah is the last month of the Islamic calendar. While in Muzdalifah Muslims collect pebbles and stones for the stoning of the devil in Mina.In the morning there off to Mina.Here they throw pebbles they collected at the three pillars; this represents the devil who tried to tempt Abraham away from the command to sacrifice his son Ishmael. Pilgrims stone the devil to say they rejected the devil. While in mina pilgrims will sacrifice an animal which might be a goat. The remains of the goat will be given to the poor. At the end of Hajj pilgrims will have a portion of their hair removed and will take water from the ZamZam which is water from a spring. The ZamZam is now held in a marble chamber in the Kaba. The water from the spring is treasured gifts for their families back home.The whole reason why a Muslim might come on Hajj is because they want to follow in the footsteps of Mohammed and feel closer to Allah. It will also help them personally by respecting Allah and their belief of being a Muslim stronger, it will bring them to believe more and carry on with their faith and aspects of life. And the most important thing why a Muslim might take part in Hajj is because it says it in the Quran 3:93 it quotes:The true Hajj is made between 8 and 13th Dhul-Hijjah, which is the twelfth month in the Islamic calendar and is the month of pilgrimage. If you go on pilgrimage to Makkah at any other time then this pilgrimage is known as Umrah or a lesser pilgrimage.AO2b) i. Explain the meaning and significance of the events of Hajj for a MuslimHajj helps bring Muslims closer to Allah and to each other. In the Quran, Allah ordered Muslims to go on the pilgrimage. Muslims believe that by taking part in hajj and while on the pilgrimage, that they can gain forgiveness from Allah. When Muslims do Hajj they are following the example of the Prophet Muhammad and the peoples of his time. People have always done Ha jj in Makkah but Prophet Muhammad brought Islam back to it and made Hajj how god intended it (like it was in the times of Abraham, Adam and Eve). Muhammad had set a perfect example for all Muslims and today they will do the same as Muhammad did. Because Muslims believe you follow Islam perfectly like Prophet Muhammad did then you will be accepted through the gates of heaven.A Muslim will do the Ihram firstly because of the example of Muhammad and because its Gods will. Muslims put on the white garments of Ihram to remove the worlds possessions and set free the obsession of material goods. This also helps to keep equality among the Muslims; if all people wear white sheets then they have no proof of wealth or poverty. The white garments must be purely white; this shows how a Muslim must focus on Allah alone. This is due to colours and patterns on other clothing may be distracting and this would prevent Muslims from being able to purely concentrate on God. White also represents purity because the colour itself is pure and if a Muslim wears white then he/she can become pure. Plus white is also one shade and one colour which links to the Muslim community being as one and God as being one and one alone. The clothes worn on Ihram will be the same clothes a Muslim will wear on their day of death. They will also be taken to God on judgement day in this attire. The rules of Ihram should keep the peace between pilgrims on Hajj and this helps create a bond between one another and to get on better with each other which reinforces the Islam community and makes it easier for them to worship God as a whole.A Muslim will not cut their hair or fingernails because they believe that while they are on Hajj they should not interfere with Nature and be how God intended them to. This will bring a pilgrim closer to God.They will do Hajj barefoot, again to show that they are all equal and have to be pure before God. Plus the rules of Ihram will help to keep a Muslim on the straight pat h of life (Shariah).This means they will be able to set examples to other Muslims and become truly humble before Allah.The Talbiyah is repeated as Muslims enter Makkah to keep their mind on God and their submission and mercy before him. This shows that they recognize he/she is responsible for the Earth and all that is great, that they are his servants and that he has no equal.The Tawaf represents the eternity of Allah. A circle has no beginning or no end it is forever, like God. Muslims circle the Kabah in an anti clockwise direction because it is the example of Muhammad and Adam and Eve also circled this direction. It is believed that Adam and Eve saw angels circling in an anti clockwise direction when they were worshipping Gods throne. To Muslims this is important because they believe that if they behave like the angels did then surely they can pass into the kingdom of heaven. Everybody circling Together shows togetherness of the people, this again ties in with how an Islamic comm unity should be together. The Kabah is circled seven times because the number seven is a number that represents eternity, again this links together with Allah being eternal. A Muslim who touches, kisses or salutes to the Kabah is showing their appreciation and love towards Allah.Pilgrims will do the Sai because of Prophet Abraham. He was told by God to leave his wife and son in the desert where there was no water. Abrahams wife and son were put against a great challenge and Hajar tried to find help for her child Ishmael by running between the tops of two hills, Mount Safah and Mount Marwah. Though when all help was lost the angel Jibrael appeared and cracked his wing on the sand and a spring appeared from the ground. This shows a Muslim how to be patient in life and always try to persevere even at the worst of times like Hair had. The Sai also represents life. Running is like life and trying to find the right direction, water symbolises God the saviour, bringer and keeper of life. T he water in the desert brings life and God in living things brings life.The Stand reminds pilgrims of the story of Adam and Eve when they had given into the Devil (Iblis) and his temptation of the forbidden fruit. They were thrown out of paradise, separated and wandered the Earth in loneliness and deep unhappiness. God did carefully watch over them waiting for them to one day return. When Adam and Eve had finally realised that life without God was torture they prayed on the top of the Mount of Mercy and begged to be restored to a relationship with Him again. God in his compassion forgave them. Adam and Eve in thankfulness built a shrine in the same spot as the Kabah and Muslims today still believe they worship God on Hajj at the exact same place.Muslim does the stand to keep their relationship with God and to ask for his forgiveness for all the bad things they may have done in life, much like Adam and Eve. When the Stand is done and a Muslim is truly sorry with keeping the correct i ntention they are like a new born child who has committed no sin and is fresh in the eyes of Allah.Prophet Muhammad also did his last sermon on the top of the mount of mercy. He told the people of Islam to respect their neighbours and to love all people and to follow Islam properly and with the correct intention. The Stand also reminds Muslims this is where Judgement Day will take place. So they will be reminded that they have to continue to be good in life to be able to enter heaven.Muslims will throw stone the Jamaras because of its relation to a story about Abraham and his temptation by the devil. One day God decided to test Abrahams faith and love towards him. He asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Ishmael in a dream. When Abraham woke, in extreme distress he told his son Ishmael about the dream. Ishmael told him O father do what you are commanded to do, and do not worry about me. They followed Islam well so they did not question why God had ordered this; they just accepted that it was his will and must be done. Abraham, Hajar (Abrahams wife and mother of Ishmael) and Ishmael set out for Mina which was the place of sacrifice. On the journey the devil appeared in human form, trying to make Abraham and the others change their minds. They were each tempted once.All three rejected the devils temptations and picked up stones and drove the devil away. When they reached the place of sacrifice Ishmael asked his father to place him face down so that he could not be stopped when he saw his face. Abraham laid his son on the altar and at the last moment God stopped Abraham and replaced Ishmael with a ram. The rewards for Abrahams obedience were that his first wife gave birth to a son, Isaac.Muslims believe that if they follow Gods will that they will prevail and be rewarded in the after life. This also reminds Muslims to make sacrifices for God. A Muslim collecting 49 pebbles and stoning the Jamaras shows that they are eternally fighting evil. They stone the Jamar as seven times with seven pebbles each time over the three days they spend there.Id Ul Adha is when they celebrate and have a great feast is represented when Abraham replaced his son with a ram. It also shows great happiness and excitement God can bring. Also the sacrifice will remind Muslims that they have to continue to sacrifice themselves and their goods for God to enter the kingdom of heaven.Hajj is important to every Muslim as it has been taking place for over 1,400 years. All Muslims try to go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. Mecca marks the direction in which all Muslims pray; it is the birthplace of Muhammad (pbuh), the last prophet of Allah.ii. What difficulties might there be for a Muslim performing Hajj?The dress code is extremely important as it symbolises equality. All Pilgrims should dress equally before the eyes of Allah. This enables Muslims not to be distinguished between the rich and poor. Poor and rich people unite together. It reminds Muslims that they have left behind life at home and should only think about God. Glasses and hearing aids are allowed and unintentional breaking of the restrictions is excused. The items that follow are not allowed;* No perfume, no soap, nor in food.* No jewellery, except womens wedding rings.* No wearing of gloves, though hands may be wrapped in cloth.* No deliberate cutting of hair, fingernails, so as not to interfere with nature.* No uprooting plants or cutting down of trees on the journey.* Neither hunting nor bloodshed, except in dealing with bedbugs, fleas, snakes and scorpions.* No carrying weapons.* No sexual relations, no kissing or flirtatious thoughts.* No engagement or taking part in weddingsAs pilgrims to Allah, they must forget about everything that would lead to dishonesty, arrogance and aggression. They must also forget the worries and pleasures of normal life. Pilgrims must be single-minded and not let anything distract them. They shouldnt argue or lose their tempers or be irritable. Peace should be in their hearts and minds and accepting the troubles that they are faced with on the journey shouldnt be complained about. During the journey of Hajj pilgrims should be thinking about Allah all the time.There are many difficulties facing Muslims upon their pilgrimage to Hajj. First of all is the amount of other Muslims; it is unlikely that the number doesnt exceed 2 million. Despite the atmosphere created by this, as many would say it is like no other, which would be true, it obviously presents some dangers; dedicated followers of Islam can be crushed beneath the mass of excited Muslims, a ritual that proposes this danger is the stoning of the Devil, where people crowd around and attempt to throw stones at the pillars in Mina; increasing the risk of crushing, as well as the possibility of getting hit by a stone. In 2003, over 35 people died by crushing during this ritual.Secondly, the cost of the journey is incredibly expensive; including clothes and flights it can come to between à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½1500 and à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½2000. Many people save up for years until they can afford it, and often families join together to pay for just one person to go. This has proven to be a costly sum for many Muslims, thus preventing them from making the journey, however, as Allah knows that they have the intention to; he doesnt see it as a lack of faith. Another problem is the fact that women that are under 45 years of age need a chaperone, therefore making the cost of the journey even more expensive as another person has to be paid for also.Due to Meccas location in Saudi Arabia of Asia, lying close to the equator, a further problem is the painfully high temperature. One event involved with the prayer is the Stand; this involves standing from sunrise to sunset without taking any time out whatsoever to relax. This procedure can result in sunburn, sunstroke and many severe cases of dehydration. The Stand is also mentally destructive; trying to keep self-discipline for s uch a long period of time is a very difficult task, it can lead to a breakdown, also, people get tired and it is incredibly mentally exhausting constantly praying and focusing on God. It is a tedious and long task and many Muslims may find it a struggle to stay focused, especially when contending with the blistering temperature, getting bitten by a mosquito or getting pushed and shoved during the circling.A further problem that is encountered is the fact that you need to be physically fit, as some of the rituals involved with the prayer can be gruelling, and despite what it looks like, the whole journey is definitely not easy. Furthermore, Muslims on Hajj may encounter dangerous insects that could poison them such as a scorpion or a spider.iii. How might participating in Hajj affect the life of a believer?Participating in Hajj will affect a Muslims life, even before they go to Makkah. Preparations will be difficult. They will have to save money for Hajj, to do this they will have to cut down on luxuries. Also they have to take care of work, home and family arrangements. This will be a problem to find cover for your children.When Muslims arrive they have to deal with the overwhelming emotions. They will feel proud, happy and excited they were able to complete one of the five pillars. And also completed the once in a lifetime journey.While they are wearing ihram they have to change the way they think about people, you have to know you are all equal. You could feel less proud because you are wearing simple clothing someone might think there better than you. Ihram will tell them be more great full for things in life and how much god has given you.Tawaf would make you think about who you are, and make you feel better. You feel at home and united with millions of your culture. You will realise how many there are of you, you will feel welcome and relief that your not alone in the world. They may have come with one brother but now they have millions. They will look be tter and fitter from all the walking.Performing saiy you will be reminded of the Islamic history and feel you are a part of history.While at Arafat you are asking Allah for forgiveness for your bad sins you have committed, this will take a big weight off your shoulder to finally express your sins.In Mina once you are forgiven, you would have changed your life for forever because you know you will never commit your bad sins again. You would have thrown all your evil sins away. You will have a better attitude towards life and life style; you will treat everyday as a fresh day, a day given to you from god.A Muslim has now changed; they have fresh sins and are a new better person.Once a Muslim has completed the Hajj, he/she will feel fully part of the Muslim family. The enjoyment of completing the 5th pillar makes them feel spiritually benefited. One of the benefits of completing the Hajj is that their name gets changed to Hajji. If a Muslim has this name, it makes all the other Muslims respect them in a different way. The first time a Muslim completes the Hajj, it is one of the toughest things a Muslim must do, but to do it a second time, if possible, may change the life of a believer. When the Hajj is finished, a Muslim may take some water from the Zamzam, to take home for their families. It is believed that the water cures Muslims from disease; this may affect the life of a believer, by healing them of a disease.AO3A true pilgrimage is really a journey within.Do you agree?I think that Hajj is not only a journey within, as there are parts that will inflict great physical damage and take a great toll on many Muslims. Hajj is a long journey each event that a Muslim goes through proves to be both mentally and physically challenging, especially the Sai; the main rite of Umra and part of Hajj, it is the proceeding between the hills of Safa and Marwa seven times, and also the Stand, as previously mentioned. One could say that as long as these events are involved, the pilgrimage is not only a journey within, and without them, you would not be following the example of the Prophet Muhammad.Furthermore, if there were no physical side to the Hajj experience, then how would it be possible for a pilgrim to remember? As the physical attributes of the journey leaves reminders upon the pilgrims body, such as scars, bruises and aching muscles; it is incredibly rare that someone could not find the events challenging.Another view that should be stated is the fact that we are both body and soul; therefore as humans, a true pilgrimage is a journey within and without. This is a strong statement as it is a simple fact, yet very effective and straight to the point, implying that a true pilgrimage is not just a journey within.Some Muslims think that the whole point of doing the pilgrimage in the first place is to experience the physical and mental pain that Hargar experienced whilst on her frantic search for water. For these Muslims it is essential that they compl ete the Hajj at least once in their lifetime. The other sort of Muslims feel that it would be a privilege to complete the Hajj, but if is mentally taking part it is almost the same as physically taking part. They could argue that there is no point in going if there is no spiritual dimension to the journey within. Some feel that way because they cannot afford to go themselves, but if they help to pay for someone else to go, it shows intent.On the other hand, many Muslims would be used to facing such a hot climate where the temperature would be around 42 Celsius degree and this would present absolutely no obstacle to them, therefore withstanding many hours of such a climate, as in the stand, would prove to be no problem. As well as this, certain Muslims may do a lot of exercise and certain events, such as the Sai, would prove to be no struggle for them.The physical can aid the mental side of Hajj. Ihram for example means that a Muslim will put on their Ihram garments and be reminded m entally of the Day of Death and the Day of Judgement. This will make them realise they must be good in life and by doing this will help them become closer to God. The Stands physical side means you have to stand before God however this would mean nothing on its own as you would need the spiritual side to confess all of your sins and be truly repentant to God and be forgiven.Despite my arguments against the statement, a strong case for it is the simple fact that Hajj is a journey for spirituality; you venture for yourself, or for a loved one who passed away and was not able to make the journey. The Stand may be a very physical ritual and standing before God is the entire point to it, however, the physicality involved would be nothing on its own, as you need the spiritual side to wash away your sins, be truly repentant to God and finally be forgiven.Furthermore, all Muslims have to go to Hajj unless they have unavoidable circumstances; if you are ill then you can pay for someone to go in your place but they have to have made the journey before. Muslims do not have to physically be there but they can in spirit and prayer, this being a very strong argument for the statement, proving the journey to be one within.On the account of all the different reasons above I believe that participating in Hajj is really a journey within. After looking at both sides of the argument I thought that the fact that Hajj is a spiritual journey was more fitting, as it is one of the five pillars of Islam, and its meaning is to set out with a definite purpose; in this case getting closer to God. The pilgrimage to Hajj is a once in a lifetime journey, and equally both the spirituality and physically involved is really important as it reminds you of Allah. Mecca is the holy city of Islam and is home to the Black Stone in the Kabah, which is believed to be a meteorite sent by God as a sign to Abraham, who built it into the Kabah. The holiness involved in the journey is indescribable.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Role of Human Communication in the Society

The Role of Human Communication in the Society Human communication involves interaction between or among people. Various types of human communication include interpersonal, public, intrapersonal, and intercultural. This paper addresses three questions dealing with human communication.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Role of Human Communication in the Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Relationship deterioration refers to the stage in interpersonal communication when the bonds holding people together weaken (Pearson et al., 2006, p.99). At this point, both parties in the relationship are unhappy with the current state of affairs. The causes of relationship deterioration include having unrealistic expectations from the relationship. Financial difficulties, work-related problems and third party relationships are also among the causes of relationship deterioration. Circumscribing is the stage in relationship deterioration characterized by decreased interac tion, shorter time together and less depth to sharing. At this stage, a couple may appear normal from the outside, but communication between the couple is minimal. The couple tends to avoid certain topics of discussion considering them as a taboo. The coupe hardly communicates at this stage and therefore, it becomes difficult to know what they feel about each other. The relationship at this stage begins to go back to its superficial stages, and the couple loses interest in it. As the word describes, each person in the relationship starts to draw a circle around him or herself. This circle does not include the other person and therefore, there is little or no interaction between the parties (Pearson et al., 2006, p.122). The couple does not share their feelings neither show any commitment to the relationship. At this point, the obvious pairing is diminishing. It is essential for the couple to reinvest in their relationship at this stage to avoid losing the investment made to the part nership in the past. The couple could take a vacation, go for counseling or sit down and talk to salvage the relationship. Effective listening is one of the most crucial skills that an individual should have in order to ensure efficient communication. To solve complex problems in businesses and personal relationships, it is crucial to develop effective listening skills. Effective listening is more than hearing the spoken words. It involves analyzing the meaning of the messages spoken, and focusing on the person speaking rather than the words spoken. Several barriers affect effective listening and include environmental distractions, close mindedness, defensiveness and pride among others (Pearson et al., 2006, p.134).Advertising Looking for report on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the given scenario, Ben hinders effective listening because of his pride. Ben believes that other peoples†™ opinions are invalid in the group meeting. He claims that since he has been doing the work for five years, he knows how to do things better. This is pride and it hinders him from listening effectively to other members of the group. Pride involves an element where a person does not value the other person’s opinions. An individual takes over the conversation because he or she believes he has nothing to learn from the other members of the group (Pearson et al., 2006, p.131). A proud person has the attitude that he or she is better than any other individual in that group is. This pride is what Ben has from his comments. It is a personal obstacle to effective listening and hinders human communication. In addition, pride involves a person’s attachment to personal beliefs and values. Personal beliefs and values cloud a person’s thinking restricting effective listening. People tend to find only those views that support their beliefs and discard those that do not. Wi th time, a person attaches him or herself to a certain viewpoint and cannot listen to other people’s opinion affecting listening. Human communication is the process by which people in relationships and groups use information to interact with one another and the environment. This communication is beneficial because it enables people to understand how businesses work. Several functions of human communication include physical, identity, social and practical needs. When a person identifies something by revealing how it works, a person is using the practical function of human communication. The practical function enables a person to understand a situation better. This function enables people to understand themselves and their self-interaction with others. This function is vital in communication because it enables people to understand the functioning of daily tasks. In most organizations, employers encourage their employees to utilize practical communication skills in order to achi eve the organization’s goals (Pearson et al., 2006, p.143). Through practical communication function, it is possible to understand processes in the organization and explain their functioning. In addition, it becomes possible to understand the making of the processes though practical communication. Besides, practical communication enables a person to understand what the processes consists.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on The Role of Human Communication in the Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Further, practical communication enables students in various institutions to communicate effectively. Practical communication enables students to progress academically by analyzing situations in their academic work and providing solutions. Communication through group discussions is possible because students utilize practical ideas to develop solutions. Practical communication facilitates interaction among people i n daily activities enabling understanding of different situations. This function of communication is paramount in daily interactions because people are able to operate effectively. Therefore, it is necessary for individuals in a communication process to be practical in their dealings to be able to identify different situations and analyze them. Reference Pearson, J., Nelson, P., Titsworth, S., Harter, L. (2006). Human Communication with  Learning Tool Suite. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research methods for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Research methods for business - Essay Example Motivating employees to reach company goals involves giving employees an incentive to perform to expectations, by appealing to their needs at the psychological level or from a financial perspective. In some industries, businesses develop incentives schemes in order to motivate employees to reduce current absentee levels (Kohn, 1999), as one relevant example. Spitzer (2000) further offers that in order for any reward structure to be successful, the business must first create what is referred to as a scheme of recurrence, which basically means a consistent reward structure which has very clearly defined rewards for specific performance activities. "If reward structures reflect what is asked for, it will become a systematic reality" (Spitzer, 2000, p.81). This would suggest that it would be highly important for a business to fully understand what types of specific rewards would be embraced by employees prior to adopting and launching a reward scheme. Individual recognition could theoretically come in many forms, such as the aforementioned promise of promotion for meeting target goals, praising the employee in front of managers, colleagues or clients, or offering an incentive bonus (after an annual review) which rewards the individual at a later time for meeting performance targets.1.1 Research question and objectives This proposed study research question seeks to uncover whether today's employees in the UK are motivated more by reward schemes or individual performance recognition' This study maintains two distinct objectives: Identify the perceptions of a wide variety of different employees, in different industries, regarding what they would consider to be an acceptable reward scheme to boost individual motivation. To uncover which methods are available to today's businesses to increase motivational levels of employees through individual recognition efforts. 1.2 Justification for research study This proposed research study is of considerable interest to today's businesses for many reasons. First, today's global economic recession is putting significant pressures on businesses to reduce the payouts associated with various reward schemes in order to recognise costs and satisfy budget restrictions (Blackwell, 2009). When facing budget problems, it would be of considerable interest to today's companies to explore whether individual recognition can provide the necessary motivation to make employees excel in their unique job functions so as to be able to abandon costly reward schemes. Further, only one in ten organisations, today, have been able to accurately measure whether any of their reward scheme expenditures have met with higher motivational levels as return on the investment (Blackwell). For businesses currently using reward schemes to motivate, but are unable to determine whether the investment is worth the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A case study of social movement or collective action event by ethnic Essay

A case study of social movement or collective action event by ethnic group(s) - Essay Example Discussions of discrimination can raise the blood pressure of even the most neutral person. On the one hand, there are those who steadfastly claim there is no such thing as discrimination in the mortgage industry: everyone is an â€Å"equal opportunity housing lender,† after all; it says so right on the application. On the other hand, there are those who have examined the issue with as much neutrality as possible and have arrived universally at one conclusion: all things being equal (such as similar credit reports, income, and down payments) African Americans are the victims of predatory, abusive, and discriminatory mortgages at a sickening rate. Just a quick glance at a few numbers: In 1993, approximately 100,000 subprime loans were originated. In 2001, more than a million subprime loans were originated. In 2008, more than 65 percent of subprime loans were refinances, not direct purchase ( Racial discrimination is often hidden and it certainly can be inadvertent. This does not excuse banks and mortgage brokers accused of discrimination. Three major organizations address this as a part of their foundation missions, and steps have been taken to remedy the problem, such as neutral research, education, and collective action. Before we can understand what organizations and the collective actions of individuals do to expose the problem of discriminatory lending, we must define what we mean by predatory and abusive mortgage loans. Once we have created a broad definition of discriminatory lending, we must seek to understand how the African American community can fall victim to such practices on a broad level through a culture of overt and inadvertent discrimination. The major leaders and organizations involved in exposing the problem have a multi-pronged approach to the problem, and institutional recognition of the problem lends strength to individual collective action. Final ly, there are several effective

Monday, November 18, 2019

Critical analyse the functions and management issues in global Essay

Critical analyse the functions and management issues in global business to identify ways to reduce risk and improve organisational effectiveness using appropriate examples where necessary - Essay Example Such a brand is Apple, which has been successful in building a brand name across the world. Leadership is another critical factor that can drive any drowning organization to the shore. All across the world, there are countless examples of leaders as being the drivers of change and ultimately success in organizations, in countries, in politics and in normal day lives. Therefore, leadership also plays an important role in the effectiveness and success of an organization. This paper will first highlight the important areas of management that are critical to the success and effectiveness of an organization operating in a global world. The organization that has been used as an example is Apple Inc. Apple has seen phenomenal growth in the past few years for its record breaking products such as the iPhone and the iPod and now the iPad. They have revolutionized the lifestyles of millions and this is their philosophy. To follow such a critically different path, it is important to keep in all areas of the business working in cohesion to that a synergy creates, giving extra value to the organization. While working in such a diverse and huge geographical environment, Apple also needs to set up risk management procedures and practices throughout its organization; these will also be discussed. The latter part of the paper will discuss the magnetic personality of the CEO of Apple, Mr. Steve Jobs, who has been leading the corporation from the front to success. Th e role of leadership in such an environment and the success that the company has seen will also be measured (Donald, 2006). The international environment makes decision making more complicated, as more controllable and uncontrollable factors enter the overall environment of the organization. In such a time, managing the loyalty of the staff as well as the customers is an equally daunting

Friday, November 15, 2019

Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions

Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions The market type of Lux is monopolistic competition. This type of market has many buyers and sellers due to the low barrier of entrance into the market and this makes the market more competitive. Example of the competitors like Dettol, Safeguard, Protex and others will sell differentiated products of soaps, at different prices in the market. The factors that affect the pricing decisions of Lux are the demand of the market and the taste of customers. In order to get hold of the heart of the consumer, Lux Soft Touch Beauty Bar has clearly stated its target market beauty soaps. Literally, Lux Soft Touch Beauty Bar is more towards female market. From the official website of Lux, it stated that Luxuriate in the sensation of moisturized skin with LUX Soft Touch liquid soap beauty bar, one of Luxs coveted skin care beauty secrets. Enriched with the exclusive Silk Protein Extract and Cherry Cream, it forms a light creamy layer, which covers your skin, helping to hold in the moisture that dry skin needs. Like a goddess dressed in a silk gown, youll leave for the day with self-confidence, feeling elegant and in command. From the above-mentioned, we can clearly see that Lux Soft Touch Beauty Bar is more for female that provide protection to their skin and make their skin smoother after using it. This is different from the other ordinary soaps that declare on anti-bacterial. This makes the female consumers more loyal to Lux. Since there are loyal customers on the market, the demand of will also increase or make a constant in the long run. And due to this, the price of Lux Soft Touch Beauty Bar will not confront to the huge changes of price in the market. 2.2.2 New Product pricing strategies In order to extend the line for its new product to sell in the particular market, market penetration should be the new product pricing strategies of Lux in order to increase sales and demand in this competitive world. To penetrate the market, Lux will not have any problem because its an existing brand with high reputation in the current market. But the following things should consider: Penetrating the brand of Lux means adding some new and attractive features on the product and also taking into consideration the effective communication which will turn into a new value proposition for the product. In order to increase more sales Lux should concentrate on the appropriate reduction of cost which will directly lead to gain leadership in price. Once price will be reduced more and more consumers will attracted to buy the particular product. Moreover by reducing the price of the particular soap Lux will again have growth in their product and it will be very helpful to survive in the competitive market. Lux will also have to do product development for the product line extension and it will be done through by introducing new body wash soap with an existing name and it will also launch new products like introducing Lux face wash all this will ultimately lead to increase in their sales and again to grab the new target market audience for the product. This strategy not only to increase the profit for the company but also to produce new products in the existing market for brand awareness to the consumers which will have greater impact on the consumer to buy the particular product at very low price and again to boost the sale for the personal care product. 2.2.3 Product Mix Pricing Strategies Lux is currently using product line pricing. Since Lux is a large brand, it manufactures many types of product. Therefore it needs to set price steps between various items in a product line based on: Cost differences between products The difference cost of products will affect the price of the products when market. The range of products includes beauty soaps, shower gels, bath additives, hair shampoos and conditioners. Customer evaluations of different features The customers of Lux are more on female. Therefore, Lux should always need to attract the attention of its target market to make sure they will consume the product of Lux. Competitors prices Lux are not only soap in the market, therefore it needs to take consider of the price of competitors when pricing its product. This will make a competitive advantage to Lux. Besides, Lux is also using product bundle pricing. They combine the Lux soft touch beauty bar 3 in 1 and offer the bundle at a reduced price. Pricing bundles of products sold together. 2.2.4 Price Adjustment Strategies The price adjustment strategies relate to all the strategies implemented by an organisation that takes into account the differences between customers and rapidly changing. Lux is using international pricing strategies. Lux is an international product and brand over 100 countries, so its priced differently for each of the countries. For example, the price of Lux in Malaysia is slightly expensive comparable to South Africa. This is because the economic level of South Africa is lower than Malaysia. Besides, Lux also uses promotional pricing techniques. The normal bundle of Lux soft touch beauty bar is 3 in 1, but sometimes, in order to increase demand, Lux will make it into 4 in 1. This will increase the consumer consume more unit of Lux soft touch beauty bar when this promotion.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Fearful Wishing The Monkeys Paw Essay examples -- essays research pa

Fearful Wishing "The Monkey's Paw" What if in this world there is an item that can grant anybody any three wishes? There may even be serious and dangerous consequences to every wish. The strange thing about the ability to get any three wishes that one wants is that it's true."The monkey's paw" written by W.W. Jacobs uses the well known story of being granted 3 wishes but puts a twist on the story creating a horror type story. In the small parlor of Lakesnam Villa a visitor comes named Sergeant Major Morris. The Sergeant Major visits the house of Mr. and Mrs. White and their son Herbert. The sergeant pulls out the monkeys paw and talks about its magic before throwing it in the fire where Mr. white takes it out so that he could keep and use the monkey's paw. One should work for what he wants not wish for it but if one does then be careful what you wish for. If the wish is free then there must be a consequence because nothing is truly free. Mr. and Mrs. White are sitting there at their piano and Mr. White wishes for two hundred pounds with the monkey’s paw. The next day Edward got caught in the machinery and died leaving his parents compensation money. His dry lips shaped the words, "How much?" "Two hundred pounds," was the answer (Jacobs 7). Mr. White wished for 200 pounds and it took a day but he got it at the cost of his son's life however. No matter how harmless the wish sou...